

You searched for "Regional Business Partners"

Man And Women In Training Session

Our People

With expertise in all areas of business, the Business South team can provide the advice and support you need to succeed.

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Ocho Chocolate Meeting

Regional Business Partners

Looking to start, grow or develop your business?

We’ll connect you with the right people, information and resources to support your next steps.

Otago Regional Business Partners is one of the 14 regional growth agencies that make up the Regional Business Partner Network.

As our name suggests, we service the Otago region, and our contract is held by Business South Inc.

It is our goal to be the one-stop shop for small to medium Otago businesses to connect to the right advice, the right people, and the right resources. Working together, we want to help your business survive, revive, and thrive.

This is what we are good at.

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Business Advocacy

We are proud to be the voice of over 1,300 businesses in the south and to represent business interests in government, locally and nationally.

We are here for businesses to share your insights (what keeps you awake at night) so we can advocate for you to minimise barriers, ideally before they arise.  

By activating your voice Business South advocates your business issues with decision-makers in local and central government.  

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Couple Walking In Mountains

Our Region

Otago and Southland form the heartland of New Zealand, representing some of the best and brightest business this country has to offer.

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Business South belongs to a network of 30 Chambers of Commerce nationwide, providing a voice for business and opportunities for growth.

New Zealand Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 47, Auckland 1140

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LDO Taieri College 141123

STEM with Leonardo Helicopters

SOREC and Leonardo Helicopters running STEM sessions for schools in Otago

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Barista and Customers

Small Business

Small businesses are creative, innovative and dynamic, and are key drivers of economic growth. In fact, small enterprise is often referred to as the ‘engine room of growth’.

Did you know…

Small enterprises represent over 97% of New Zealand firms, and more than half of all Business South members.

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Woman In Uniform Counting Boxes

Large Business

Large corporations are major employers and contribute significantly to local and national economies. They thrive through investing in people, innovation, assets and growth opportunities.

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Man Smiling In Office

Medium Business

Mid-sized businesses are renowned for longevity, stability and strong growth performance, making a considerable contribution to the local, regional and national economies.

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Board Pisa Moorings Sept23

Call for Nominations: Business South Board 2023

Call for Nominations for Business South Board 2023

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Business After Five

Membership Information

Business South membership grants you free or discounted access to a range of quality resources, supports, events and opportunities – all designed to support your success.

With more than 1,300 members throughout Otago and Southland, we work closely with a diverse range of organisations and sectors to bring specialist value to business.

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Lake Wanaka

Our Services

Representing, supporting and empowering the Southern business community.

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Dunedin Cityscape At Night

Business New Zealand

We’re proud to be part of Aotearoa’s largest business organisation promoting sustainable growth through free enterprise.

Four large regional organisations of member businesses form the BusinessNZ network, including Business South. Together, we cover the whole country.

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Business Health Check Launches

Business Health Check self assessment tool

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The Exchange Dunedin

Research and Development

Access a range of supports and grants suitable for all stages of the business lifecycle below. 

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Social Share Image


Business South is your Southern business association. Learn about the range of services, supports, training and networking opportunities we provide.

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Queenstown City At Night Time 1


Keep up-to-date with the latest business news, industry developments, successes, submissions and media releases.

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Biking Gibbston Wineries


A commitment to sustainability minimises harm to communities and the natural environment – it also increases business resilience and innovation, and can give you a competitive edge.

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Central Otago Bike Trail v2

Our Story

Providing business support, advocacy and expertise to help southern organisations succeed.

Business South is a voice for business, fostering a strong regional economy and a thriving business sector.

A strong business community contributes to the health and wellbeing of our local communities and ensures a sustainable, prosperous future.

Watch the video below to learn more about the goals and values we live, operate and measure ourselves by, as we work to achieve our vision of creating a thriving business environment that benefits the whole region.

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Two Business People Meeting

Employment Law & HR Support

We are proud to have partnered with the best in the business for our Employment Relations suite. 

You can always call us on 0508 656 757 for any questions or concerns about your business and offer a wide suite of services to help with your legal or HR needs. 

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Man On Video Call

Business Mentors

Prepare for future success with one of our experienced business mentors.

As an agent for Business Mentors New Zealand, we can connect you with a mentor to help you and your small business to build the skills and perspective for future success. 

 A business mentor would be a great option for you if:

  • you are motivated and determined to grow your business
  • you are willing to listen and receive constructive feedback related to you and your business
  • you can commit to the mentoring relationship, working proactively to ensure tasks are achieved in a timely manner with open and honest communication.

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Woman Watering Plants At Dunedin Botanic Gardens

For Trades

Supporting young people to pursue their vocational ambitions and providing the business community with the next generation of talent.

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Pathways Hub Webpage Tile v3

Pathways Hub

Attracting and retaining staff is one the biggest challenges facing businesses in our region (and across Aotearoa).

Our Pathways Hub is a one-stop-shop for the services and support you need to grow your workforce.

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Safety In Action

Health and Safety Support

Providing a safe and healthy work environment benefits your business, increasing productivity and performance, and protecting you and your workforce.

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My Next Move

My Next Move

My Next Move connects local high schools and businesses, showing rangatahi about the world of work so they can make the right decisions about their future. 

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Happy Workers Insurance Scheme

NZ Income Insurance Scheme

The New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme would offer financial support to workers who are made redundant through no fault of their own, or lose their jobs due to health conditions or disabilities, providing them with 80% of their income for up to seven months.

While Business South welcomes a number of aspects of the proposal, there are some concerning implications for business as it currently stands.

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Business South

Phone App

Members save an average of $700 per year through our discounts. 


The app is designed to provide a seamless experience for members to access discounts from businesses in the region.

Simply sign up using your Business South Membership number to access the discounts and check out the other features on the app:

  • Members-only resources: A range of resources exclusively available to members including reports on our talks with government / councils; Adviceline HR guides and exclusive webinar access.
  • Notifications: Opt-in to receive important updates and notifications from Business South.
  • Training and Events: stay informed about the latest training and events from Business South.

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Women On Help Line


AdviceLine provides all the legal and professional advice you need to know.

This members-only service allows you unlimited call access to support you through a full range of employment-related questions and concerns.

Call us anytime during business hours – Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm

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BSI Annual Report 2022 WEB v7 003 Page 01

2022 Annual Report

Annual Report, Business South Inc, 2022

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September Quarterly Southern Business Survey Results

Quarterly Southern Business Survey Results September 2023

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November 2023 Quarterly Southern Business Survey

Quarterly Southern Business Survey Results November 2023

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Students Sitting On a Couch 2

Youth Opportunities

Explore career opportunities and gain the experience and information you need to make decisions about your future, whether in employment or training. 

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Accredited Service Providers

Provide your local community with products and services, grow your business and reputation in the region, and elevate your brand with Business South.

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From golf days and business expos to Breakfast Before 8 (BB8) and Business After 5 (BA5) events, we’re sure you’ll find something to suit your tastes.

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Birds Eye View Trucking Yard

Exportation Support

Export documentation can be complex – but we’ll help you simplify it.

The Otago Chamber of Commerce is an affiliated member of the International Chamber of Commerce Certificate of Origin Accreditation Chain. 

We supply Chamber-certified Certificates of Origin which provide import authorities and buyers with trusted assurance of origin.

Get in touch to learn more about how we can help you with your export needs.

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Leadership Academy Logo Generic v2

Leadership Academy

  • It is aimed at Otago business leaders to be better equipped for leadership within their organisation, workplace or business.
  • This inspirational programme is the catalyst that ignites relationship building with like-minded professional peers, fosters inspiration to take your leadership career to the next level and provides outstanding opportunities to learn from prominent Otago leaders.
  • Designed to develop your leadership skills you will be equipped with a good understanding of what is required to be a significant leader in your own organisation and in the wider business community.
  • One session per week with 2 speakers, for 4 weeks. Groups are limited to a maximum of 12 participants.

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Find Out More

Ready to upskill your leadership and to connect with great leaders in the region? Check out the next Leadership Academy programme below and register today!

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Construction Worker

Fair Pay Agreements

The Government has recently passed the Fair Pay Agreements legislation. The introduction of FPAs is one of the most significant changes to New Zealand’s employment relations system.

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Plastic Phaseout Oct 2022

Plastic Phase Out: Guidance for Sellers and Manufacturers on Products Now Banned

Plastic is one of our greatest environmental challenges. It regularly ends up as waste in our landfills, our moana and whenua. Difficult to recycle packaging and products can interfere with our recycling systems and are often used only once before being disposed.

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