Resource Management Act reforms
Resource Management Act reforms
Proposed new legislation to replace the Resource Management Act has been given its first reading in Parliament.
The Natural and Built Environment (NBE) Bill and the Spatial Planning (SP) Bill have now been referred to the Environment Select Committee. Submissions on the Bills close on 30 January 2023 – you can make your submission on the NBE Bill here and make a submission on the SP Bill here.
Business South will be putting in a comprehensive submission in due course.
“This legislation will now be given full six-month consideration by a select committee, and be passed into law next year, before the election,” Environment Minister, David Parker, says. “I encourage everyone to get involved in the select committee process because the way New Zealand’s natural resources are managed affects us all.”
There are five key objectives to the legislation:
- Protect the environment
- Better enable development within physical limits
- “Give effect to “rather than “take account of” Treaty and Waitangi obligations
- Better prepare and protect from climate change effects
- Reduce complexity while maintaining democratic input.
A third bill, the Climate Change Adaptation Bill, will be introduced around the time of next year’s general election.
Here is an overview from the Government about the impact of these Bills, and a blog article from Russell McVeagh about some of the key aspects of the Bills.
If you have any concerns or comments, contact us at advocacy@business-south.org.nz