Otago Polytechnic

A Member Since 1990
Otago Polytechnic has been a member of Business South since 1990 (Otago Chamber of Commerce), and sustainability is a huge part of who they are.

Otago Polytech is committed to minimising their environmental impact and encouraging others to embrace sustainable practices. Here are a couple of their achievements to date:
- the first NZ tertiary institution to join the Climate Leaders Coalition
- measure their greenhouse gas emissions and publicly report on them
- set a public emissions reduction target consistent with keeping within 2 degrees of warming and have committed to being carbon neutral by 2030
- committed to 100% of their undergraduate programmes directly addressing issues of sustainable practice
- living campus gardens
- Pōpopo Wormporium
- the conversion of coal-fired boilers to wood-fired ones which radically reduced emissions
- Te Pā Tauira and the award-winning green building erected for student living, this being highly efficient on energy use and built using the most sustainable materials
- Under construction now is another major piece of building infrastructure following the above principles.

If you would like to find out more about Otago Polytechnic’s commitment to sustainability or to get in touch, check out their website.