Contribute to valuable business data gathering
We’re encouraging more Business South members to take part in regular Business New Zealand surveys that take the pulse of New Zealand business at both regional and national levels.
The information obtained from the surveys is regularly reported and used by various groups in New Zealand, including news commentators, economists, academic institutions and Government agencies.
The more Southern businesses that take part, the more robust, reliable and useful the data for our region.
These monthly surveys are web-based and only take about three minutes to complete.
Performance of Manufacturing Index (BNZ BusinessNZ PMI)
This is the timeliest and most publicly-utilised pulse of New Zealand’s manufacturing community.
The survey is specifically targeted at the manufacturing sector. It provides an early indicator of activity levels, and allows us to compare our performance with that of other countries.
Analysis is conducted on changes in production, new orders, employment, finished stocks and deliveries.
Its results are part of the JPMorgan Global PMI, which collects monthly manufacturing data from 33 countries, making up an estimated 90% of global manufacturing output.
Performance of Services Index (BNZ BusinessNZ PSI)
This provides a regular and up-to-date assessment of how the New Zealand services sector is performing in.
This survey is specifically targeted at the various elements of the services sector and provides an early indicator of activity levels, along with a way of comparing ourselves with other countries.
Analysis is conducted on the changes in activity/sales, new orders/business, employment, stocks/inventories and supplier deliveries.
Its results are part of the JPMorgan Global PSI, which collects monthly services data from 33 countries, making up an estimated 78% of global GDP.
If you’d like to receive the monthly PMI or PSI surveys, please contact Ann-Marie McKay