Plastic Phase Out: Guidance for Sellers and Manufacturers on Products Now Banned
From 1 October 2022 it is illegal to provide, sell or manufacture certain hard-to-recycle and single use plastic products in Aotearoa New Zealand. These are:
- Single use plastic drink stirrers
- Single use plastic cotton buds
- Plastics with pro-degradant additives (eg. some bin liners, dry cleaning bags and pet waste products)
- PVC food trays and containers used for products including meat, fresh produce or baked goods
- Polystyrene takeaway food and beverage packaging (eg. takeaway containers and cups)
- Expanded polystyrene food and beverage packaging including food serviceware and grocery products (eg. instant noodle containers).
Please visit the Plastic Phase-Outs website here for guidance for the October plastic phase-out is now live. Guidance includes a description of the banned products, and information about exemptions and suggested alternatives.
Shifting away from hard-to-recycle and single-use plastics will help reduce plastic waste, improve our recycling systems and protect our environment. Further plastic bans are expected to come into force in 2023 and 2025. For an overview of the products included in those bans please visit here.
Phasing Out Plastic in Action
Did you hear about how Business South have been helping local hospitality businesses to phase-out their single use packaging products? You can read the ODT story here - and for more information on this initiative, please email us.
We also think the Auckland City Council have some great ideas for hosting Zero Waste Events – read their tips here.