

Accelerate your business with the healthcheck

Running a successful business involves constant assessment and improvement. At Business South, we understand the challenges you face and have developed a handy tool to help you gauge your business's health and identify areas for growth.

Introducing the Business Health Check Calculator

Our new Business Health Check Calculator is designed to provide you with a clear indication of your business's strengths and areas that may need a bit more attention. This tool is user-friendly, quick, and incredibly insightful.

How the Calculator Works

Simply input key data about your business into the calculator, and it will generate a comprehensive report highlighting:

  • Areas of Strength: Understand where your business is excelling and leverage these strengths to gain a competitive edge.
  • Opportunities for Improvement: Identify aspects of your business that may require more focus and development.

The detailed feedback you receive can help you make informed decisions, strategize effectively, and ultimately drive your business towards greater success.

Chance to win a spot in the Leadership Academy

To celebrate the launch of our Business Health Check Calculator, we are offering an exciting opportunity. Until the end of June you have a chance to win a free spot at our prestigious Leadership Academy, valued at $1,725!

What is the Leadership Academy?

Our Leadership Academy is a comprehensive program designed to equip business leaders with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to lead their organizations to new heights. The academy covers a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, effective communication, team building, and much more. Learn more here.

How to Enter the Contest

  1. Use the Calculator: Visit Business Health Check Calculator and complete your business health assessment.
  2. Stay Tuned: We will announce the lucky winner at the end of June.

Why Participate?

  • Gain Insight: Receive valuable feedback on your business operations.
  • Plan Strategically: Use the insights to develop a robust improvement plan.
  • Win a spot at the Leadership Academy: Secure a spot at the Leadership Academy and enhance your leadership skills.

Don’t miss this opportunity to better your business and potentially win a prize that could transform your leadership capabilities. Visit Business Health Check Calculator today and take the first step towards a more successful and efficient business.