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Business Advocacy

We are your voice

We are proud to be the voice of over 1,300 businesses in the south and to represent business interests in government, locally and nationally.

We are here for businesses to share your insights (what keeps you awake at night) so we can advocate for you to minimise barriers, ideally before they arise.  

By activating your voice Business South advocates your business issues with decision-makers in local and central government.  

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Representing you

We give you a seat at the table.

Our strength lies in our regular engagement with the Prime Minister, Ministers, MPs, Government officials and community groups.

We represent the views of the southern business community, advocating to decisionmakers at all levels and ensuring southern interests are heard throughout the policy-making process.

Happy Workers Insurance Scheme

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Business Engagement Plan

The Business Engagement Plan is a member-led / grassroots perspective on the issues and what’s keeping business owners awake at nightDriven by what our members are saying.   

Central Government compliance and regulations

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Regional Economic Development

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Workforce and Industrial Relations & Immigration

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Local Government compliance and regulations

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Sustainability and Environment

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Feedback via survey's and events

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Submissions on council and government plans

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Staying up to date on the latest government or council announcements

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Submission on Draft GPS on Land Transport 2024

Business South welcomes the opportunity to submit on the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024.

Saving our Standards

The BusinessNZ Network alongside a number of building and construction industry associations have achieved a win, securing the future of critical Standards needed by NZ industry.

May 2024 - Quarterly Business Survey Results

The latest findings from the Quarterly Southern Business Survey are in.

Major health and safety consultation begins

BusinessNZ is supportive of the consultation on work health and safety announced by the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety.

Treasury Seminar - Productivity in a Changing World

This seminar looked at the positive and negative influences on productivity growth, looking at evidence from around the world

Bath Street Upgrade

Construction work has begun on the Bath Street Pipe Upgrade project. Read the latest. 

Cross-party consensus has been achieved on climate adaptation

New Zealand’s political leaders have reached a notable consensus on climate adaptation, spearheaded by the Minister of Climate Change. This cross-party agreement is set to significantly influence how Aotearoa New Zealand prepares for and respond to climate change.

Discussions with Hon. Andrew Bayly, Minister for Manufacturing and Small Business

Hon. Andrew Bayly, Minister of Manufacturing and Small Business joined us for a morning session with small business owners and spoke at the SOREC summit. 

Presenting the Business South Phone App

It's been a long time in the making but we are super excited to present to you the members-only phone app! 

March 2024 Quarterly Southern Business Survey

The latest findings from the Quarterly Southern Business Survey are in.