Does tourism matter to you Dunedin?
Here’s a chance to have your say.
Independent research company Angus & Associates are working with the Dunedin City Council (Enterprise Dunedin) to find out what Dunedin people want (and don’t want) the future of tourism in the greater Dunedin area to look like.
Tourism will continue to be an important part of our way of life in Dunedin, but what tourism looks like and offers in the future is up to the choices that we make now. Choices that will also matter for generations to come.
How should tourism be developed to best benefit our communities and reduce any pain points? What is most important?
The protection and restoration of our environment? Smart and low impact transport options? What happens to our wildlife, arts and heritage attractions? The future of events? What kind of job opportunities tourism could support?
If you would like to share your views and help shape the way Dunedin plans for the future of tourism, you are invited you to take part in this futures research.
Please encourage your friends and whanau and wider communities to take part too so as many views as possible can be captured.
Research groups start in August and the survey will launch in September.