

You searched for "Training"

Safety In Action

Health and Safety Support

Providing a safe and healthy work environment benefits your business, increasing productivity and performance, and protecting you and your workforce.

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Woman Watering Plants At Dunedin Botanic Gardens

For Trades

Supporting young people to pursue their vocational ambitions and providing the business community with the next generation of talent.

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Biking Gibbston Wineries


A commitment to sustainability minimises harm to communities and the natural environment – it also increases business resilience and innovation, and can give you a competitive edge.

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Man And Women In Training Session

Our People

With expertise in all areas of business, the Business South team can provide the advice and support you need to succeed.

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We’re proud to offer the most comprehensive range of professional development training in the region, customised and delivered in-house.

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My Next Move

My Next Move

My Next Move connects local high schools and businesses, showing rangatahi about the world of work so they can make the right decisions about their future. 

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Woman In Uniform Counting Boxes

Large Business

Large corporations are major employers and contribute significantly to local and national economies. They thrive through investing in people, innovation, assets and growth opportunities.

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Business South

Phone App

Members save an average of $700 per year through our discounts. 


The app is designed to provide a seamless experience for members to access discounts from businesses in the region.

Simply sign up using your Business South Membership number to access the discounts and check out the other features on the app:

  • Members-only resources: A range of resources exclusively available to members including reports on our talks with government / councils; Adviceline HR guides and exclusive webinar access.
  • Notifications: Opt-in to receive important updates and notifications from Business South.
  • Training and Events: stay informed about the latest training and events from Business South.

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Business After Five

Membership Information

Business South membership grants you free or discounted access to a range of quality resources, supports, events and opportunities – all designed to support your success.

With more than 1,300 members throughout Otago and Southland, we work closely with a diverse range of organisations and sectors to bring specialist value to business.

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Students Sitting On a Couch 2

Youth Opportunities

Explore career opportunities and gain the experience and information you need to make decisions about your future, whether in employment or training. 

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Women On Help Line


AdviceLine provides all the legal and professional advice you need to know.

This members-only service allows you unlimited call access to support you through a full range of employment-related questions and concerns.

Call us anytime during business hours – Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm

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Dunedin Cityscape At Night

Business New Zealand

We’re proud to be part of Aotearoa’s largest business organisation promoting sustainable growth through free enterprise.

Four large regional organisations of member businesses form the BusinessNZ network, including Business South. Together, we cover the whole country.

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Pathways Hub Webpage Tile v3

Pathways Hub

Attracting and retaining staff is one the biggest challenges facing businesses in our region (and across Aotearoa).

Our Pathways Hub is a one-stop-shop for the services and support you need to grow your workforce.

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Barista and Customers

Small Business

Small businesses are creative, innovative and dynamic, and are key drivers of economic growth. In fact, small enterprise is often referred to as the ‘engine room of growth’.

Did you know…

Small enterprises represent over 97% of New Zealand firms, and more than half of all Business South members.

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Man Smiling In Office

Medium Business

Mid-sized businesses are renowned for longevity, stability and strong growth performance, making a considerable contribution to the local, regional and national economies.

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Business South is your Southern business association. Learn about the range of services, supports, training and networking opportunities we provide.

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