Business Advocacy
We are your voice
We are proud to be the voice of over 1,300 businesses in the south and to represent business interests in government, locally and nationally.
We are here for businesses to share your insights (what keeps you awake at night) so we can advocate for you to minimise barriers, ideally before they arise.
By activating your voice Business South advocates your business issues with decision-makers in local and central government.

Representing you
We give you a seat at the table.
Our strength lies in our regular engagement with the Prime Minister, Ministers, MPs, Government officials and community groups.
We represent the views of the southern business community, advocating to decisionmakers at all levels and ensuring southern interests are heard throughout the policy-making process.

Part of a Wider Community
BusinessNZ Network
The BusinessNZ Network including BusinessNZ, EMA, Business Central, Business Canterbury and Business South, represents and provides services to thousands of businesses, small and large, throughout New Zealand. The BusinessNZ network’s unique strength lies in our capability to engage with government officials, community groups, MPs and Ministers on a daily basis, ensuring business interests are represented throughout the policy making process.
Pictured Front L to R: Mike Collins (Chief Executive, Business South), Leeann Watson (Chief Executive, Business Cantebury), Katherine Rich (Chief Executive, BusinessNZ)
Back L to R: Grant Walker (Vice Chair, Business Cantebury), Adele Rose (Deputy Chair, Business Central), Neil Finn-House (Board Member, Business South), Andrew Hunt (Board Member, EMA), John Fraser-Mackenzie (Chief Executive, EMA)
Central Government compliance and regulations
Regional Economic Development
Workforce and Industrial Relations & Immigration
Local Government compliance and regulations
Sustainability and Environment
Feedback via survey's and events
Submissions on council and government plans
Staying up to date on the latest government or council announcements

The Quarterly Business Surveys are a great indicator of what is happening in the region, and our team are using this information to enact positive change at a local and national government level.

Part of a Network
We are a united voice.
Business South is part of the Business New Zealand and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce networks – the two leading champions for business at a national level.
Together, we are committed to promoting local, regional and national success through free enterprise and sustainable growth, and fostering homegrown innovation for global impact.