Fair Pay Agreements - information and support
BusinessNZ will not be the default negotiator for Fair Pay Agreements (FPAs) but will provide assistance to employers who are required to negotiate an FPA with unions. As part of the network, Business South will provide resources to help employers.
This includes an online community designed to keep you up-to-date with all the latest information and resources on FPAs, and to allow peer-to-peer discussions on this complex piece of legislation so you can learn from other business leaders and BusinessNZ advocacy experts. You can access this community here.
FPAs are compulsory, collective agreements that cover everyone in an entire industry or occupation. They set pay and conditions including wages and overtime rates, hours of work, leave and training entitlements, and will be in force for three to five years.
“We will offer our own legal and other resources to help employers who get caught up in a Fair Pay claim,” says BusinessNZ Advocacy Director Catherine Beard. “We are aware that the scales are massively stacked against small businesses, and they will need all the help they can get if a union comes knocking on their door to set up an FPA.”
Catherine Beard said BusinessNZ had never supported the FPA policy, and its only initial involvement had been to seek a better bargaining system than the centralised, compulsory system being developed around FPAs.
“Now the legislation is passed, and the system is set up to begin on 1 December, many businesses are deeply concerned that they will get caught up into an FPA claim that allows no ability for opting out. The BusinessNZ Network is assuring businesses that they will be able to come to us for assistance.”
If any industry groups facing sector-wide claims need assistance from the BusinessNZ network, this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The BusinessNZ Network comprises BusinessNZ, Business South, EMA, Business Central, and the Canterbury Chamber.
If you have any specific questions, or would like to speak directly to someone about FPAs, please contact AdviceLine: 0508 656 757 or advocacy@business-south.org.nz