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Business Advocacy
We are proud to be the voice of over 1,300 businesses in the south and to represent business interests in government, locally and nationally.
We are here for businesses to share your insights (what keeps you awake at night) so we can advocate for you to minimise barriers, ideally before they arise.
By activating your voice Business South advocates your business issues with decision-makers in local and central government.
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NZ Income Insurance Scheme
The New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme would offer financial support to workers who are made redundant through no fault of their own, or lose their jobs due to health conditions or disabilities, providing them with 80% of their income for up to seven months.
While Business South welcomes a number of aspects of the proposal, there are some concerning implications for business as it currently stands.
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Business Strategy and Growth
Looking to start, grow or develop your business?
As a local Regional Business Partner we are able to help you accelerate your business towards the best it can be. Either through knowledge, connections, or subsided training opportunity and funding.
As part of the wider regional business Partners Network (part of 14 other growth agencies) we can provide you with the support you need.
Our advisors are here for you and can meet you for a free business assessment which will look at your business, identify the next steps and come up with an action plan to grow your business, because every business should have the best chance of being the best it can be.
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Our Region
Otago and Southland form the heartland of New Zealand, representing some of the best and brightest business this country has to offer.
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Employment Law & HR Support
We are proud to have partnered with the best in the business for our Employment Relations suite.
You can always call us on 0508 656 757 for any questions or concerns about your business and offer a wide suite of services to help with your legal or HR needs.
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AdviceLine provides all the legal and professional advice you need to know.
This members-only service allows you unlimited call access to support you through a full range of employment-related questions and concerns.
Call us anytime during business hours – Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm
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Fair Pay Agreements
The Government has recently passed the Fair Pay Agreements legislation. The introduction of FPAs is one of the most significant changes to New Zealand’s employment relations system.
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Large Business
Large corporations are major employers and contribute significantly to local and national economies. They thrive through investing in people, innovation, assets and growth opportunities.
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Membership Information
Business South membership grants you free or discounted access to a range of quality resources, supports, events and opportunities – all designed to support your success.
With more than 1,300 members throughout Otago and Southland, we work closely with a diverse range of organisations and sectors to bring specialist value to business.
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