Bath Street Upgrade
This project will replace the partially collapsed watercourse pipe beneath Bath Street, and will upgrade stormwater, water, and waste pipes on all of Bath Street at the same time. This requires excavation works on Bath Street, lower Stuart Street and Moray Place (near the intersection with Great King Street).
The utilities are expected to be completed in March 2025. Roading upgrades will follow with an expected completion date of July 2025.
Work on lower Stuart Street will begin in mid-May. This requires the first block of lower Stuart Street to be closed to traffic as hoardings are installed and construction progresses. Pedestrian access will be maintained during this time. Additional work will occur on Bath Street (near the Stuart Street end) which will remain two way as it is currently.
Our latest newsletter is attached, and provides updated work, timeline, and traffic management details. These include further information about upcoming work on Moray Place, which is required to make a critical connection to an existing stormwater pipe.
You can also find updates online at www.dunedin.govt.nz/bath-street-upgrade
If you have any queries, please contact DCC at bathstreetupgrades@dcc.govt.nz