Business Advocacy

Business Advocacy

We are your voice

We are proud to be the voice of over 1,300 businesses in the south and to represent business interests in government, locally and nationally.

We are here for businesses to share your insights (what keeps you awake at night) so we can advocate for you to minimise barriers, ideally before they arise.  

By activating your voice Business South advocates your business issues with decision-makers in local and central government.  

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Representing you

We give you a seat at the table.

Our strength lies in our regular engagement with the Prime Minister, Ministers, MPs, Government officials and community groups.

We represent the views of the southern business community, advocating to decisionmakers at all levels and ensuring southern interests are heard throughout the policy-making process.

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Part of a Wider Community

BusinessNZ Network

The BusinessNZ Network including BusinessNZ, EMA, Business Central, Business Canterbury and Business South, represents and provides services to thousands of businesses, small and large, throughout New Zealand. The BusinessNZ network’s unique strength lies in our capability to engage with government officials, community groups, MPs and Ministers on a daily basis, ensuring business interests are represented throughout the policy making process.

Pictured Front L to R: Mike Collins (Chief Executive, Business South), Leeann Watson (Chief Executive, Business Cantebury), Katherine Rich (Chief Executive, BusinessNZ)

Back L to R: Grant Walker (Vice Chair, Business Cantebury), Adele Rose (Deputy Chair, Business Central), Neil Finn-House (Board Member, Business South), Andrew Hunt (Board Member, EMA), John Fraser-Mackenzie (Chief Executive, EMA)


Central Government compliance and regulations

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Workforce and Industrial Relations & Immigration

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Local Government compliance and regulations

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Feedback via survey's and events

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The Quarterly Business Surveys are a great indicator of what is happening in the region, and our team are using this information to enact positive change at a local and national government level.

Businessmen Talking

Part of a Network

We are a united voice.

Business South is part of the Business New Zealand and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce networks – the two leading champions for business at a national level.

Together, we are committed to promoting local, regional and national success through free enterprise and sustainable growth, and fostering homegrown innovation for global impact.

Clear the Queue to Boost Innovation and Primary Sector

BusinessNZ is backing calls for a more efficient regulatory approval process for agricultural and horticultural products. Chief Executive Katherine Rich highlights the challenges businesses face due to slow and costly approvals, often taking years - even for products used safely overseas. BusinessNZ supports the Ministry for Regulations review of the approval process and anticipates further updates once findings are presented to Cabinet.

Collective Bargaining Settlements 2024-2025

Collective bargaining settlements for 2024-25 reflect easing inflationary pressures but remain influenced by rising wages, migrant worker reforms and geopolitical factors. While challenges persist, signs of economic recovery and stabilising business confidence indicate signs of potential recovery in the new year.

Business South Welcomes Renewed Focus on Economic Growth and Regional Development

Business South welcomes the Government’s announcement of a refreshed ministerial team, which signals a renewed focus on economic growth, regional opportunities and needed execution of policy. 

These changes are an encouraging step forward as our region looks to address key challenges and unlock its full potential.

New Zealand concludes trade agreement with the UAE

New Zealand and the UAE have concluded negotiations on a trade agreement following the launch of negotiations on May 7th of this year. The agreement will unlock economic opportunities for Kiwi exporters and create stronger supply chains with one of our most important trading partners in the Gulf region.

Greater clarity around contractors

Contracting is the preferred method of working for many New Zealanders, says EMA Head of Advocacy Alan McDonald.

"Whether people are operating in the gig economy or transitioning between jobs, contracting can offer flexibility, variety, better pay, opportunities at upskilling and work experience," says McDonald.

Dunedin Central City Safety Advisory Group - Update 26 August

Mike Collins (CEO at Business South) is part of the Central City Safety Advisory Group to help advocate for a safe city centre. The group has representatives from the DCC, Police, Otago Regional Council, the Principals Association, Business South, mana whenua, Pacific Trust Otago and youth representatives.

We will be posting regular updates on what is being discussed in this group

August 2024 Quarterly Southern Business Survey

Southern business confidence has picked up this quarter, coupled with the recent fall in interest rates and anticipated improvements in individual financial performance and eased labour market constraints.

Read the latest findings from the Quarterly Southern Business Survey.

Uber loses appeal - court rules drivers are employees, not contractors

The Court of Appeal is backing four Uber drivers in their fight to be treated as employees, rather than contractors. 

The court dismissed Uber’s appeal of a 2022 Employment Court decision that also ruled in favour of the drivers. 

Submission on Draft GPS on Land Transport 2024

Business South welcomes the opportunity to submit on the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024.

Saving our Standards

The BusinessNZ Network alongside a number of building and construction industry associations have achieved a win, securing the future of critical Standards needed by NZ industry.

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